public governance, modernization, tools, local development, local self-government reform, decisionmaking, e-governmentAbstract
The article focuses on solving a complex scientific problem, which consists in determining the main tools of democratic governance at the local level. The analysis of modern studies of the chosen problem indicates the presence of interest on the part of foreign and domestic scientists in solving problems related to democratic governance at the local level. Choosing a public governance model is possible with active use of existing models: decentralized model, centralized model, cooperation and partnership, public participation model, economy-oriented model, regional governance model and innovation model. The article establishes that the main tools of democratic governance at the local level are reforming local self-government, increasing the level of citizen involvement in decision-making at the local level, and active use of information technologies. Statistical data on the reform of the local self-government system testify to the positive results of the decentralization process in Ukraine, which began in 2014. The main components of the application of the second tool are defined: information transparency, public meetings, public consultations, access to open data, public initiatives, feedback, support of active citizens. The article presents the components of the third tool, which consists in the active application of electronic governance in solving socio-economic problems of local development. The conclusion of the study is the statement: the choice of a model of public governance is a complex multifaceted process, which must take into account the effective implementation of the specified tools, the main goal of this process is to increase the level of democracy and transparency when making socio-economic decisions, which will be aimed at improving the quality of life of the population of the relevant territory.
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