


civil society, political modernization, institutional development, democratic process, decentralization


The article pays attention to the theoretical basis of the formation of the institutional development of civil society. The actualization of the topic of the article is confirmed by the need for the formation and development of modern Ukrainian civil society, whose activities affect numerous spheres of social life and the development of the state as a whole. The material of the article details the components of institutional transformations of modern civil society, combining democracy, human rights; political participation; fight against corruption; social justice; environmental issues; international cooperation and cultural development into the only necessary development mechanism. The analysis of modern scientific developments in the chosen field of research indicates the presence of a large number of works by foreign and domestic scientists, in which attention is paid to solving problems related to the institutional development of civil society. Taking this into account, this article is a continuation of the scientific search for a solution to the specified current problem of our time. The necessity of researching modern challenges and trends in politics and society, which contribute to the development of more dynamic and adaptive political modernization in various countries of the world, has been proven, which made it possible to clarify the need for institutional development of civil society in the conditions of democratic transformation of Ukraine. The article proves that the purpose and main the task of institutional development of civil society is to improve the activities of modern institutions of civil society, which should lead to the active development of a democratic, legal social state, in which members of civil society unite to make decisions that are more important for the state, to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens. The work recognizes the need for public authorities to create a favorable legal environment for the development of civil society institutions that function to achieve the common good, which is manifested in increasing the level of socio-economic development of the state.


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