


innovation incentives, potential, tourism industry, brand, revenue, recovery


The article develops a methodological approach to the evaluation of innovative incentives of the tourism industry in the period of post-conflict recovery, which, in the praxeological plane of the development of enterprises, allows modeling the configuration of their operational efficiency in the regions according to the coordinate system of the life cycle of innovative potential and forecasting the stages of income growth from the realization of a tourist brand. It was determined that the important period of the post-conflict recovery of the tourism industry is aimed at rebuilding territories and economic ties destroyed by hostilities, it activates the beginning of recovery measures with a constant transition to the praxeological plane of the development of tourist enterprises. A matrix of subjects of post-conflict recovery of the tourism industry was built, which were divided into four groups. A model of the profile of the life cycle of the innovative potential of a tourist enterprise according to the phases and stages of the level of resource intensification regarding the promotion of an innovative tourist brand has been developed. A multi-attribute model of critical evaluation of a tourist brand based on the structure of elements is proposed. It is proven that when identifying the stage of the life cycle of the innovative potential of tourism enterprises, the commonly used coordinates "time – income" should be abandoned and the stage of the life cycle should be determined based on indicators of the realization of the tourist brand, subject to changes in innovative transformations. An econometric forecasting of the dependence of potential income on the implementation of the country's tourist brand and factor indicators of innovative transformations in the tourism industry was carried out. It was concluded that innovative potential is the main condition for the existence of an innovatively oriented tourist system of the country's regions and is a basic prerequisite for the creation and commercialization of an innovative tourist product, which should become a significant impetus for the selection and implementation of innovations in the tourism industry.


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