


laser DFB module, semiconductor lasers, automatic control systems, control system, diode laser, semiconductors, infrared radiation, radiation frequency, frequency


This work is devoted to the study of semiconductor lasers. the study of the laser DFB module, the purpose of its operation, the formalization of the process as a control object. The paper considers the features of the technological process of generating infrared radiation by semiconductor DFB laser diodes, automatic control systems for laser DFB modules, which are used as an optical signal source for data transmission and optical measurements. The main shortcomings are revealed and possible ways of improving the structure and functions of automatic process control systems are considered. Semiconductor DFB lasers with distributed feedback, in contrast to lasers with a Fabry-Perot interferometer, operate in a single frequency generation mode. It is convenient to use them as a source with a change in the frequency of radiation, since they have a noticeable temperature dependence of the frequency (wavelength) of generation. A diode laser requires high-precision temperature stabilization as a result of a very significant dependence of its radiation parameters on temperature. Maintaining the required frequency and intensity of coherent radiation at the laser output and temperature will open wide application in many areas and devices. The radiation power of a laser diode is proportional to the current flowing through it (pump current). At a pump current below the threshold laser diode, it operates in the LED mode, emitting incoherent radiation with a spectral half-width of 20–25 nm, at a current above the threshold diode, it switches to the coherent radiation generation mode, the spectral width of which is much narrower and usually amounts to a few nanometers or less. The list of sources provides an overview of scientific and technical information on the topic of the work, its components and parameters. A structural and parametric diagram of the process of generating radiation by a laser DFB module as a control object, a conceptual structure of an SAC with increased dynamic accuracy, is presented.


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