


Internet solutions, cloud environment, infrastructure, virtual machine, hypervisor


Although elements of cloud technology have existed since the days of using multiple devices to perform a single task, unsuccessful attempts to legally codify the term were in 1997 (NetCentric) and 2007 (Dell). Now these technologies have become common applications that have many theoretical and practical nuances. In addition, these technologies give the highest capitalization. The Internet enabled the remote use of many devices of varying complexity for a variety of purposes, marking the era of cloud technologies. Modern life is hard to imagine without the use of cloud information technologies and systems. There are requirements for working programs and software interfaces that were overlooked by both users and specialists even at the beginning of the millennium. The development of the Internet and the emergence of large data centers have contributed to the proliferation of software applications that consist of several interacting subsystems and copies of subsystems running in different locations. The need for constant and ubiquitous availability, as well as the need to process growing volumes of data and provide digital services to a growing number of users, leads to the fact that almost every application becomes a cloud system, and more and more organizations base their activities on cloud technologies. Cloud systems are required to provide the level of fault tolerance, flexibility, and resilience expected of today’s computing applications. Due to their distributed nature, such systems with competent structuring and properly designed architecture are more reliable and scalable. At the same time, you have to pay for these benefits. Since it is not easy to build cloud systems, they are usually developed on separate orders. Each of them, by and large, is developed from scratch, which is characteristic of all cloud systems. The use of new design methodologies and technologies for the development of cloud systems will satisfy the demand for modern, reliable, scalable application software interfaces and services, and will also contribute to the creation of new classes of cloud applications and services in the future.


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