


liquid waste, coking industry, adsorption, wastewater, glauconite, acid activation, Avogadro 1.2.1, Molview.


Due to restricted access to a wide range of coal grades, the industry is forced to utilize only 2–3 coal types. Such a technological approach negatively impacts the technology of capturing and processing the chemical products of coking. These plants are designed for specific compositions of charge materials, where liquid waste with only limited pollutant content can be utilized. The formed liquid waste is not completely neutralized in the biochemical purification stage and, upon entering the coke quenching process, evaporates, releasing pollutants into the environment. The purpose of the work is to model the process of pollutant sorption on glauconite, which affects the technology of processing liquid waste of coke chemical production. Glauconite does not have a single chemical formula due to fluctuations in its content. The formula varies depending on the deposit where it was formed. The generalized chemical formula of glauconite has the form (K, Na)(Fe3+, Al, Mg)2[(OH)2(Si, Al)4O10]. There are large deposits of glauconite in the Western Volyn region and in the Adamiv deposit of the Khmelnytskyi region. Using mathematical modeling in the research, a fragment of the structure of Adamivka deposit glauconite in Khmelnytskyi region was created (the bond length between Potassium and Oxygen is 2.265 Å; the Aluminum-Oxygen- Silicon bonding angle is 133º; the Aluminum-hydroxide bond length is 1.834 Å; the energy of the fragment after geometry optimization is 758.992 kJ/mol). A mechanism for the sorption of pollutants from liquid waste of coking chemical production on glauconite has been proposed. The high specificity of glauconite’s sorption to the mentioned pollutants is determined by van der Waals dispersion forces and an ion exchange mechanism. It is proposed to obtain a granular sorbent from chemically activated glauconite by the method of running-in or extrusion for the disposal of liquid waste from coke-chemical production containing a wide range of pollutants. An improved technological scheme for the installation of phenol removal from wastewater by biochemical methods with preliminary purification of liquid waste through adsorption on acid-activated granulated glauconite is provided. If the efficiency of phenol removal decreases below 50%, it is proposed to conduct desorption with 0.1 M HCl for 6–12 days.


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Molview. Режим доступу:дата звернення: 15.11.2023).

Аvogadro. Режим доступу:дата звернення: 15.11.2023).

