intelligent device, relay protection, automation, microprocessor terminal, energy system, electrical stations, substations, electrical networks.Abstract
This article discusses the issue of correct and safe work with the «Monitor-2» service software when using a personal computer to control intelligent microprocessor relay protection and automation devices of the RZL-05, RZL-06 series. This «Monitor-2» software environment allows you to control relay protection devices of the RZL-05, RZL-06 series using a personal computer in laboratory conditions or from the control room of an electrical network enterprise. In this case, the MODBUS-RTU communication protocol is used for communication of intelligent relay protection and automation devices with a PC. It is worth noting that the RZL-05M microprocessor relay protection and automation device is designed to perform the functions of relay protection, automation, signaling of transformer connections, cable and overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 6–35 kV. The devices are intended for installation in relay compartments of KSO, KRP, KRPZ of electric stations and substations, as well as on panels and in RZA cabinets located in relay halls and control points. A control system is presented for the study and adjustment of the microprocessor terminal as an executive element that ensures increased reliability of the relay protection system and automation of stations, substations and electrical networks. When operating the device, it is necessary to be guided by the device passport, the Rules for the arrangement of electrical installations (PUE-2017), the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of stations and networks (PTE), the Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations (PBEE), SOU-Н EE 35.514:2007 «Maintenance of microprocessor protection devices, emergency automation, electrical automation, remote control and signaling of power plants and substations from 0.4 kV to 750 kV».
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