



quality, non-contact control, deformation, skew, anisotropy, symmetry, hood, orthogonality, base, weft, location of threads, sensor, automatic correction, complex resistance.


The issue of quality control of mass-produced products is very important in the modern world, since the application of technological development in production ensures competitiveness and product demand. Of course, prior quality control reduces the percentage of defective products produced and accordingly optimizes and saves costs for the main production.This work concerns the quality control of the structure of textile fabrics at the final finishing stages of production and processing due to the deformation of the fabric. The main indicators of fabric quality and factors that lead to fabric deformation are considered. It has been proven that it is advisable to carry out control by automatic systems correction of weft. In the framework of this article, the relationship between the anisotropy of the electrical characteristics of the fabric and its deformations and the development of an experimental sensor of weft skew are considered. The classification of compliance of methods and means of detection and control of weft skew is presented. An overview of the existing devices for the elimination and automatic correction of skew was carried out and the indicators of imperfection were analyzed. It was found that to improve the anisotropy parameter measurement system, it is necessary to use non-contact control. To conduct the research, a model was developed in the form of an electrical equivalent circuit of the sensor-tissue relationship system for non-contact control of the electrical conductivity of the investigated tissue samples. The limits of the electrical parameters for the appropriate operation of the scheme are specified. In order to optimize the system, a study of the interaction of dry tissue with an electromagnetic field of a certain configuration was conducted. In order to create an axisymmetric field on the surface of the fabric, several options for the location of the electrodes in relation to the fabric sample were proposed. The configuration of electromagnetic fields for various options of electrode installation was obtained. The obtained results for some articles are given in the form of distribution of potentials on the surface of the fabric. The results confirm the possibility of creating a functional non-contact sensor for monitoring fabric deformations.


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