renewable energy sources, wind turbine, farming.Abstract
The state of the technical equipment of power grids and military aggression cause systematic emergency outages, which makes it difficult to meet the energy needs of consumers. Farms distributed over the territory and remote from centralized power supply lines are particularly vulnerable. One possible solution to this problem is to use renewable energy sources. A promising option is the introduction of wind turbines. Unfortunately, their usage is constrained by the lack of information about the wind potential of the selected region. And data from existing state weather stations in Ukraine cannot serve as a reliable basis for forecasting electricity production by means of wind turbines, as their error usually ranges from 40% to 70% and depends on geographical conditions, terrain and area geometry. As a research object, a farm has been taken in the Kirovograd region, central Ukraine. Therefore, the analysis and consideration of the possibilities of wind energy implementation in this region for the needs of farms is the main goal of the research. To achieve this goal, the following have been done: data collection on wind speeds and directions; analysis of the energy potential of wind energy in the area under research; the graphs of wind speed dependence and modeling of wind turbine operation for the study area have been made. The general analysis has revealed that the geographical characteristics and climatic conditions of the Kirovograd region create favorable conditions for the successful development of wind energy. The use of wind turbines not only guarantees a sustainable and productive source of energy for farms in terms of energy self-sufficiency, but also contributes to environmental production.
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