



purification of waste gases, oxidation of nitrogen oxides, liquid oxidizers, kinetics of oxidation.


Nitrogen oxides are among the most common and dangerous air pollutants on our planet. Exhaust gases, which include nitrogen oxides, are produced in a number of chemical industry productions, in oil refining processes, during the burning of various types of fuel at high temperatures. The work describes the study of the effectiveness of liquid oxidizers for the intensification of the processes of cleaning industrial gases from nitrogen oxides. H2O2, KMnO4, KBrO3, K2Cr2O7, Na2CrO4, (NH4)2Cr2O7, NaOCl, which are of theoretical and practical interest, were studied as oxidants. To establish the principle possibility of oxidation of nitrogen oxide (II) by oxidants, thermodynamic parameters were calculated. Determination of the rate of oxidation and absorption of nitrogen oxides was carried out on an experimental device. The effect of the concentration of oxidants, temperature, and pH on oxidation processes was studied in the paper. It was found that increasing the concentration of the investigated oxidants accelerates the oxidation and absorption reactions of nitrogen oxide (II). It was established that an increase in temperature accelerates the oxidation processes in the liquid phase in contrast to oxidation in the gas phase. Aqueous solutions of potassium bromate, hydrogen peroxide, and potassium permanganate were found to be the most active of the investigated oxidants in relation to nitrogen oxide (II). Research was conducted by the method of full factorial experiment.As a result and processing of experimental data received kinetic equations of nitrogen oxide (II) oxidation liquid oxidizers depending on the concentration of liquid oxidizers, temperatures, etc and pH of the environment.


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