


ceramic materials, mechanical properties, hardness, Young’s modulus, strength, fracture strength, Weibull modulus.


The mechanical properties of ceramic materials have been investigated, specifically hardness, Young’s modulus, strength, and fracture toughness, which is a key characteristic for evaluating crack resistance, along with the Weibull modulus. Various fracture modes, such as pure tension, flat, and transverse shear, have been examined. The theory of Griffith and the concept of the strain energy release rate (G) have been studied. The study also explores methods for measuring fracture strength, including testing with a single-notch angle and a zigzag notch. Irving’s research on the influence of plasticity parameters on the fracture mechanism was analyzed, and various methods for measuring fracture strength in ceramic materials were developed. The use of these methods, involving the application of notches to the specimen and testing it in bending, allows for the determination of the critical stress intensity factor. Special attention is given to modeling stress at the crack tip and determining the stress intensity factor (KI) under various conditions. The stress intensity factor for mode I (KIC) is employed to determine the fracture strength of ceramic materials. Additionally,the Weibull model, utilized for statistical analysis of material strength, was examined. Weibull introduces the concept of weak links in a chain, analogous to defects in ceramics that can influence strength. The probability of material failure is described by the Weibull material function. In summary, this work aims to explore the mechanical properties of ceramic materials. The utilized models and methods enable a deeper understanding of material failure processes and the precise determination of their characteristics, essential for practical applications in manufacturing and engineering. Therefore, this study elucidates key aspects of the mechanical properties of ceramic materials and provides a foundation for further research in the field of ceramic technologies.


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