


bus station, transport demand, transport system, urban passenger flows, trip length distribution.


Intercity bus stations belong to the interchange hubs, the main functions of which include providing passengers with options for interchanging between internal urban transport and intercity transport. This often makes them large points of transport modes interaction and generates a significant volume of departures and arrivals for urban passenger transport. As a result, stations have a meaningful impact on the distribution of transport and passenger flows in an urban area. The assessment of this impact requires determining the demand of citizens and city visitors for travelling to and from the bus station, but to date, insufficient attention has been paid to corresponding demand modelling – most existing approaches to solving this task do not contain specific recommendations and quantitative measures to assess the impact of the station location on an urban transport system. In order to contribute to solving this problem, this paper analyses the known developments regarding the operation of bus stations as elements of an urban transport system, as well as approaches to determine their location. Based on the results of this analysis, it is established that at the initial stage, to model urban transport demand for travelling to intercity bus stations, it is necessary to study the specifics of the generation and attraction of citizens’ trips to an intercity transport hub. This study was carried out by examining the patterns in these trip distances under the assumption of the normal distribution of their generation and attraction points on the city territory. As a result, the trip length distribution functions for the trips to and from a bus station were obtained for different station locations and the configuration of its zone of influence. These functions are useful for the transport modelling field since they can be used to calculate origindestination matrices that reflect the trips of intercity transport hub users around the city.


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