


artificial intelligence, decision support system, intelligent system, mathematical model, production planning, bakery enterprise


The paper proposes an intelligent system for production planning support between bakery enterprises. Considering the specifics of bakery enterprises, a mathematical model of profit is proposed. This model takes into account logistical features when distributing orders among several enterprises in this industry. The paper considers the complex task of taking into account the necessary raw materials supply to corresponding factories, as well as the supply of finished products to customers. The proposed mathematical model allows the creation of an order fulfillment plan that takes into account all operations of the technological process in the manufacturing of products. It also allows adjustment and evaluation of the order fulfillment efficiency depending on the objective and subjective advantages provided by the decision maker and allows both consideration and exclusion of certain partial criteria depending on a specific situation. The model makes it possible to estimate and build an operational-calendar order fulfillment plan. The paper analyzes several methods and approaches that are included in the intelligent support system for planning the manufacturing of products between bakery enterprises that belong to the same company or have a cooperation agreement concluded between them, which will make it possible to derive the entire management process to a new level. The proposed information system structure makes it possible to combine the use of modified algorithms and methods based on combining algorithms, which were also analyzed in the work, as well as some classical approaches. The system provides a possibility to select a set of algorithms and methods, which increases the range of applications. The proposed system quickly forms an operational calendar plan for order fulfillment with cost minimization aimed at maximizing profit; enables reduction of logistics costs, which ensures obtaining higher quality products with minimal waiting time; allows quick adjustment of the existing calendar plan of orders, which makes it possible to respond to orders in real-time and ensure optimal use of technological equipment; significantly increases the efficiency of using raw materials, and also ensures the minimization of costs for their storage; ensures a quick response in case of negative and extraordinary situations by making appropriate changes to the current order fulfillment plan.


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