



experimental design, regression equation, three-factor experiment, volumetric productivity, screw extruder, 3D printer.


The dependence of the volumetric productivity of the screw extruder on the size of the crushed particles in the loading zone can be determined experimentally. The method of experimental research is the most accurate for obtaining real data, as it takes into account all the variable properties of the material and the specifics of the operation of the extrusion equipment. In this work, an experimental study of the volume performance of a screw extruder of a 3D printer was carried out. It was determined that the key factors for regulating the volumetric productivity are: screw rotation frequency and extruder heating temperature. To create an accurate model, the properties of the material, namely the size of the polymer particles that will be fed into the loading zone of the extruder, were taken into account. ABS plastic was chosen as the research material. Experimental studies based on the methodology of experiment planning using non-composite plans of the second order were carried out. The main levels and ranges of factor changes are determined. The “Optimization Model&Planning Experiment” program was used to develop an experiment plan and create a regression equation. The plan matrix was obtained, the coefficients of the regression equation and the variance of the coefficients of the regression equation were calculated, and the value of the variance of the optimized parameter was checked. The process under study is described by a second-order polynomial equation in coded form. The coefficients of the regression equation with confidence intervals were calculated and compared. The regression equation was obtained in a decoded form. The adequacy of the developed polynomial equation of the second order was tested using Fisher’s F-criterion. A regression equation with natural values is obtained. For a visual presentation of the results of the three-factor experiment in axonometry, graphic dependences of the investigated response surfaces were constructed. Тhe graphs of the dependence of volumetric productivity on the studied parameters are not shown. Their analysis was carried out and relevant conclusions were drawn.


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