


intelligent spindle, DT, industry 4.0, model of digital twins, metal cutting machinery.


The Digital Twin technology of the spindle unit can realize the control of accuracy, quality of processing and other indicators that affect to the efficiency of the system. Many articles focus on Digital Twin, but there are no clear and systematic analysis of the process of creating Digital Twin. To address this gap, this study conducted an article analysis of the Digital Twin of the spindle unit (up to Maу 1, 2023). In this article, we will consider the existing definitions of the concepts of digital twin and digital twin of metalcutting machines. In addition to the articles themselves, we will consider other reviews of digital twins and attempts to systematize existing research. No review articles on the topic of digital twins of spindle assemblies were found. For the search methodology, traditional methods of searching scientific sites and search engines were used, and the analysis of the obtained results is presented in graphs. The analysis included a total of 143 selected publications. After a detailed examination of which, it turned out that most of the articles, despite the presence of keywords, did not deal with the creation of digital twins, but only mentioned the possibility of creating digital twins. Some articles have ideas for creating a digital twin model for metal cutting machinery or spindle unit. As a result of the search, no domestic works in the given direction were found, most of the works are foreign, of which the lion’s share is financed by the government of the People’s Republic of China. It is expected that this will give an impetus to the in-depth study of the process of creating a digital twin of a spindle node. It can be useful in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, taking into account the problems of wear and tear of existing machine tools of machine-building enterprises. In addition, it is a possibility of adapting machines that were in use, which can be obtained in within the framework of international assistance to enterprises.


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