


dangerous goods, analysis, transportation, risks, safety, railway transport.


The article is devoted to a review of scientific research related to the transportation of dangerous goods by rail. It is noted that the transportation of goods of this direction using railway transport should be carried out with minimal risks, which is possible only if the established requirements are met, and is one of the most important types of Transportation. At the same time, ensuring safety during cargo transportation is an urgent task in the modern world, since it directly affects the safety of citizens, the environment and economic development. A review of scientific works in this area of research has shown the presence of a significant number of developments and research results aimed at describing and studying the features of dangerous goods transportation processes. It is established that specialists not only analyze and classify various types of hazardous materials, but also conduct detailed research on the choice of methods and strategies that are aimed at minimizing risks in the transportation process, forming analytical models and designing networks. The specifics of transportation of dangerous goods by rail are important, as a result of which the industry faces significant challenges and problems that require additional attention and careful research. The key aspects that need to be taken into account when studying this area are analyzed. Modern scientific research allows us to study the efficiency of transportation of such goods, develop strategies to reduce risks and improve infrastructure to ensure the reliability and efficiency of railway transportation. The main challenges and challenges facing the dangerous goods transportation industry are highlighted, such as the risk of accidents, environmental pollution, the need for specialized infrastructure solutions, the role of personnel, as well as problems in the management and monitoring of these transportations.


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