


UPM-20 membrane, humate solution, filtration, specific productivity, selectivity, permeate, turbidity, color, mathematical model.


In this work, the properties of the polysulfonamide membrane UPM-20 were studied for the purpose of further purification of contaminated water from suspended fine particles and dissolved impurities that cause turbidity and color of water. The influence of pressure from 1 to 5 atmospheres and filtration time from 20 to 100 minutes on specific productivity, selectivity and turbidity and color values of the permeate was shown. It was found that for all pressure values there are three periods in the filtration process of the model sodium humate solution: a sharp change, a slow decrease in parameters and no significant changes in permeate parameters. An increase in pressure and an increase in the duration of the sodium humate filtration leads to a decrease in the productivity index from 87 to 2.7 m2/(m3·h)·102. The selectivity of the membrane in terms of color and turbidity was calculated. It is shown that the highest selectivity for color is in the range of 95.2 to 96 % for filtration at a pressure of 5 atmospheres and a duration of 80–100 minutes; respectively, for selectivity for turbidity, this indicator is 97.2 % for sodium humate filtration at a pressure of 5 atmospheres and a process duration of 90 minutes. A mathematical model of the filtration process of the model solution, sodium humate, was constructed using the Python programming language and the Matplotlib library for constructing mathematical dependencies. It was found that the purification of sodium humate on the UPM-20 membrane follows a non-linear dependence. Mathematical equations were obtained that adequately describe the dependence of the output variables on the selected technological factor of the filtration process. It is shown that these equations are in the form of a third-order polynomial, a cubic model, which can be used to describe the process of sodium humate filtration using the UPM-20 membrane at different pressures, from 1 to 5 atmospheres.


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