


electroplating process, electrolyzer, heavy metal ions, chromium, wastewater.


Electroplating is an industrial sector that applies protective and decorative coatings to metal and non-metal products. Electroplating is an electrochemical process. An electrical circuit contains an electrolyte, two anodes connected to a current source, and the workpiece to be processed, which acts as a cathode. When an electric current is passed through, metal ions are reduced on the cathode in the electrolyte, forming a thin film when deposited on the surface of the product. The electroplating process takes place in specialized baths (electrolyzers). An electrolyte is loaded into the bath, which includes salts of the metal deposited on the cathode surface. Alkaline and acidic wash water is used to treat industrial wastewater. Concentrated wastewater, the consumption of which is determined by the volume of the bath and the composition of the solution, is the spent process solution in the bath or rinsing water from another process operation. 90–95% of electroplating water is used for rinsing operations. At the same time, about 80% of the mass of all harmful substances in wastewater comes from wastewater and electrolyte solutions. Various processes related to electroplating produce wastewater of different composition. In general, each group of pollutants has its own treatment methods. Industries that produce chromium-containing wastewater cause significant environmental damage. If contaminated industrial wastewater is discharged into a water body without prior treatment, it can lead to serious disruption of the biological regime of the water body. Chromium compounds are carcinogenic and have a harmful effect on living organisms. In the electroplating industry, wastewater contaminated with chromium compounds is generated during chrome plating, pickling, and cleaning of products after passivation of component surfaces. Due to the use of hexavalent chromium, this wastewater must be separated and pretreated in a separate system. The advantage of reagent wastewater treatment is its cost-effectiveness and simplicity. However, this method requires the consumption of large quantities of reagents, bulky equipment, and the disposal of large amounts of sludge.


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