


hydraulic forging, hydrostatic extrusion, deformation, mould, modelling, strength, reliability, destruction.


In this work, a model of the process of degradation of pneumatic tire materials is created during the accumulation of damage depending on chemical, thermal and thermomechanical aging. It is proposed to consider in detail the behavior of rubber-elastomers through the study of the phenomenon of resistance of materials to changes in the characteristics and mechanical properties of pneumatic tires. Tires are exposed to internal and external influences, which to a greater or lesser extent can cause limit states leading to degradation processes. During operation, the tire is subjected to a combined load from both a mechanical (static, dynamic) and a temperature point of view: precise heating in the sub-zones, general critical heating in the tire tread area, which intensifies in the tires during rupture. An aggressive environment (for example, the action of salts in winter) activates the corrosion process on the surface of the metal cord, which can lead to a decrease in the adhesion between the reinforced elements and the matrix, which causes negative changes in the properties of the materials and the tire as a whole. The causes of the formation of the main processes that accompany degradation require generalization and systematization, as well as detailed study. Considered external damaging factors of chemical diffusion (sea force, used oil). The surface morphology, mechanical and thermal properties of the composition, the effect of hydrothermal aging on the properties of the composition were revealed by studying the microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties. It is shown that the resistance of materials and the oxidation process change significantly with a change in temperature: for example, if at room temperature large metals are oxidized according to a logarithmic dependence, then as the temperature increases, the protective properties of the oxide film change and the oxidation law changes accordingly: from logarithmic to linear. Data on oxidation and degradation of pneumatic tires, their resistance to resistive thermal stresses that lead to cracking and accumulation of damage in the materials of pneumatic tire materials in various aggressive operating environments, under conditions that have been evaluated to real, were investigated in detail in this work.


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