



digital relay protection, microprocessor protection terminal, simulation, experimental stand, induction motor.


Digitalization in the electric power industry is an integral part of the digital economy. An equally important task when training specialists in electrical engineering specialties is the digitalization of the educational process. To solve it, it is necessary to introduce software systems, with the use of which future specialists will be able to model objects of the electric power system, but on a more comfortable and safer platform. It is necessary to study the functionality of microprocessor terminals for relay protection and automation by means of their computer modeling, taking into account the behavior of protection in operating modes characteristic of the protected element. The paper discusses the issues of modeling a digital relay protection device using the example of a current cut-off for a 6 kV asynchronous electric motor with a three-phase short circuit with the ability to view the modeling results. Synthesized: a simulation model of the current cut-off circuit of an asynchronous motor; a subsystem that allows you to simulate a short circuit of an asynchronous motor with adjustable current and time settings. During the experiment on the model, it is possible to calculate the operation parameters of the microprocessor terminal protections and check the correct operation of the protections, as well as study the normal and emergency operating modes of the protected object. Evaluation of the simulation results allows for adjustment of the microprocessor-based protection device. The combined use of the developed model and experiment allows us to achieve the most complete study of the functionality of microprocessor relay protection devices.


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