


identification, friend-or-foe, cryptography, encryption, recognition, radio tags, cryptographic analysis


The sharp increase of objects number that simultaneously take part in air combat operations requires the improvement of military objects recognition systems both qualitatively and according to several indicators. This requires the development of appropriate new generation “friend-or-foe” algorithms for the objects` identification. Such algorithms can be based on various methods of information security, in particular on symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms and other cryptography methods. The research included identification of advantages and disadvantages of the existing state “friend-or-foe” system, development of proposals to eliminate the identified shortcomings and creation of the “friend-or-foe” algorithm, which addressing identified shortcomings. Based on the identified advantages and disadvantages of the current “friend-or-foe” recognition algorithm, a new two-stage request-response information protection algorithm is proposed for “friend-or-foe” recognition systems for military use, built based on Ukrainian state standards, which ensures sufficient scalability, stability, reliability, and multilevel recognition. An analysis of the developed algorithm, its advantages and disadvantages, and the shortcomings in comparison with the currently existing algorithm was performed. The possibilities of the approach to the proposed algorithm cryptanalysis were determined and their applicability and effectiveness were analyzed. The algorithm can be used not only for «land-aircraft» recognition lines, but also for such lines as «aircraft-aircraft», «aircraft-tank», «aircraft-ship», etc. (plus the reverse direction), including the «infantry plane». The developed algorithm has a higher speed in comparison with those used today (especially if compare Stage 1 algorithm) and provides higher level of reliability because of using modern cryptographic algorithms and the Ukrainian cryptographic state standards.


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