


distributed computing, computer resources, models of distributed systems, functional stability, methods of distributing tasks by resources.


The article examines issues of increasing the efficiency of distributed data processing systems with support for the functional stability of the computing process. One of the main tasks that appears in the process of maintaining functional stability is the task of distributing tasks according to computing resources. The paper analyses modern models, methods and planners that perform the distribution of computational tasks according to distributed computer resources. Existing resource allocation methods typically use different criteria when selecting free resources to use. The main criteria are cost, execution time, percentage of resource utilization. Today, energy consumption, maintenance of functional stability and self-recovery time of systems are becoming important criteria. Resource management models for ensuring functional stability are proposed, namely: a modified set-theoretic model of a distributed computing process with support for functional stability, modified models for estimating execution time and energy consumption, a model of the process of supporting functional stability. The experiments described in the paper show that the use of the proposed models in standard methods of resource allocation, standard schedulers made it possible to reduce the time of computing tasks by 43%, and energy consumption by an average of 26%. The results of the research can be used in the development of new methods of resource allocation and technologies of distributed computing using the obtained models, which take into account the means of supporting the functional stability of the computing process.


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