


cloud computing, fog computing, computational services, private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud.


The aim of this article is to provide a better understanding of fog and cloud computing and propose relevant research directions in this growing field. Additionally, we will examine the future benefits of fog computing and potential future challenges. In this context, terms such as performance, fog computing, architecture, scalability, and big data are used. Fog computing offers a wide range of architectural configurations. Cloud computing has also changed the way data is stored, processed, and accessed and is expected to continue to have a significant impact on the future of information technology. By partially moving IT resources to the fog, organizations can reduce costs on IT infrastructure and enhance operational efficiency. Cloud computing also allows organizations to pay only for the resources they use, avoiding the need to invest in expensive hardware and software licenses. Cloud providers invest significant funds in security and compliance measures, helping to protect organizations from cyber threats. Cloud computing provides a scalable platform for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications, making it easier and more cost-effective for organizations to create and deploy these technologies. In the future, IT leaders and the companies they serve will face increasingly complex challenges to remain competitive in the evolving fog computing environment. Additionally, it is crucial to support compliance with existing standards and potential new standards that may arise in the future. Cloud computing is widely used in business innovations. Thanks to their flexibility and adaptability, fog technologies enable new ways of working, functioning, and operating. Cloud computing allows connections from anywhere since they are stored in a network of distributed computers transmitting data over the Internet. Cloud computing has proven its value for both consumers and companies. In essence, fog has changed our way of life. Overall, fog computing will likely continue to play a crucial role in the future of IT, enabling organizations to become more flexible, efficient, and innovative in the face of rapid technological changes. This, in turn, is likely to contribute to further innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the coming years.


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