


cloud computing, business process modeling (BPM) and business process modeling notation (BPMN), requirements engineering framework (REF), service and cloud computing (SCC).


In the work, attention is paid to the development of requirements, as this is one of the most difficult and important stages of the development of any business process or project. This study attempts to find out the characteristics and aspects of the engineering requirements applied by cloud computing. The business process modeling notation (BPMN) is considered, which qualitatively affects the fixation of the process and the introduction of appropriate changes to improve business operations. It is emphasized that BPMN can be used as a requirement development method in cloud business operations. In addition, this paper presents a requirements engineering framework for services and cloud computing, and discusses a reference architecture for services and cloud computing. Software development in the cloud environment includes some basic issues such as software composition, query-oriented programming and API-oriented programming, source code availability, execution model, and application management. To take advantage of and make cloud computing more useful, these challenges must be addressed in different software development processes and methodologies. The reference architecture for maintenance and cloud computing is considered. The paper also provides a detailed architecture diagram for the service requirements engineering framework and cloud computing, which explains how each individual entity is related to each other, how the process works, and describes all the processes and tasks of the service requirements engineering framework and cloud computing, which can be divided into three different stages to provide a clearer vision. The paper considers the process of developing requirements for cloud programs. During application development, requirements development is considered the most important stage. One of the key reasons is that the most common and time-consuming bugs to encounter in software development are also the most expensive to maintain and fix.


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