



education, information technologies, visualization technologies of information processes.


Education has had a special status throughout the history of mankind and among all populations. and there was a special approach to her. Education is a component of science, and among other components it has the oldest history. Historical evidence of the evolution of the educational process spans 6,000 years, but only in the last 120 years has it changed particularly violently, which is not surprising, given the large number of upheavals in all areas of human activity during this period. To a large extent, this is related to the rapid development of science and technology, and if the high dynamics of changes in science is mostly a positive process, then the high dynamics of changes in education is the instability and discreteness of the educational process. Education, in its current state, has many challenges. There are global issues that have not changed throughout human history, such as social inequality and affordability. There are also completely modern problems related to scientific achievements. Since the authors work specifically in the field of education, they consider the intersection of information technologies and education to be interesting, where the social, technological and economic currents of the latest technologies are perfectly manifested. It is better to see once than to hear seven times. This old saying illustrates the importance of visual aids in conveying information, and therefore for education in general. The partially retrospective nature of the article nevertheless aims to emphasize the use of both old and new information visualization technologies in the educational process. It is the extremely high dynamics of the information technology industry that generates new technological approaches that actualizes the need for clear priorities. Conclusions. Among the large number of new opportunities, it is important, keeping your hand on the pulse, nevertheless, not to “split” efforts for their implementation.


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