


digitalization, HR management, HR-Digital, service sector, human resources, efficiency.


This article describes the main aspects of digitalization of HR management at enterprises operating in the service sector. The article identifies and systematizes the key ways and means of digitalization of HR management at the present stage: application of specific solutions for specific enterprises, which implies the absence of templates; introduction of HR digitalization at each stage of the life cycle of a service sector employee: from recruitment to dismissal; application of chatbots; use of mobile electronic devices for document management; widespread use of JobTrakers, which include both career management systems in companies and recruitment platforms for candidates. A more detailed analysis of each of these aspects of digitalization of HR management in service companies revealed that the main disadvantages of their implementation are rather high costs and the need for high-tech infrastructure, which, accordingly, also requires significant cash outlays. Although in most cases the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, a significant share of companies operating in the service sector may be reluctant to implement them because the costs of digitalization may not always pay off immediately. For such companies, in the absence of large budgets, the use of chatbots and JobTrakers may be a priority, as their undeniable advantages, in addition to low cost and no significant implementation costs, include quick access to the necessary information for both the employee and the HR manager. As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that the efficiency of digitalization of HR management in the service sector is directly correlated with the amount of money and intellectual resources spent on the implementation of a particular technology. At the stage when an enterprise is not able to spend significant resources on the process of HR digitalization, it can use chatbots, mobile applications and JobTrakers as an alternative to complex technological solutions and building an integrated digital infrastructure in the company.


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