


blockchain technologies, smart contract, electronic wallet, cyber security, crypto assets


The paper examines the importance of the role of electronic commerce in the field of business activity and the growing need to protect participants in electronic commerce from fraudulent activities. More and more criminals are trying to use digital resources to hide their illegal activities. In addition, cryptocurrencies are a great way to launder money. Having appropriate cyber security measures in place can protect us from such attacks in the future. The best way to protect the decentralized world from these cyberattacks is to implement appropriate cryptographic cybersecurity protocols and techniques. One of these security protocols can be a system that will provide access to the security level of electronic wallets of users of the decentralized world. In the course of the study, an analysis of existing cyber security protocols based on smart contract technology was carried out. The analysis was carried out and the advantages and disadvantages of existing security protocols in the field of decentralized networks were determined. The choice of means and technologies for creating an information system for recording the level of security of electronic wallets using smart contract technology is substantiated, the main components of which are the collection of data on malicious attacks and theft of cryptoassets, their subsequent introduction into the database, interaction and data exchange with system participants. A software implementation and a list of used computing methods, tools and models are offered. The system architecture has been developed. The system deployment process is designed and described, and examples of interaction with it are presented. A user interface for visualizing the system's operation has been developed. The designed system takes into account the work interfaces of existing solutions, the components of which are audit of smart contracts, permanent support of implemented smart contracts, and data protection with the help of an additional layer of security. Also, all the benefits of blockchain technology have been used, namely increased user trust, security, transparency and data traceability along with efficiency. The results of this system can be used and implemented by various large companies in the field of decentralized finance. The created information system is flexible in terms of expansion and can be used as a part or basis for more widely directed software solutions in the field of cyber security of decentralized applications.


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