


smart grid, distributed generation, activity, aggregation, aggregator, management.


The article considers the main structural and substructural elements of smart grids and their classification. Identified the need of set of legislative, organizational, technical, economic and other measures realization in order to develop the domestic electricity market. One of the promising directions for the introduction of smart power grids is the development of distributed generation. Elaborated the definitions and interpretations of this concept. Considered the advantages of its implementation, which primarily include improving the quality of electricity supply, reducing technological losses of electricity, increasing energy efficiency, increasing the level of energy security, creating new jobs. At the same time, noted the shortcomings and obstacles on the way to the development of distributed generation, which may include their high initial investment cost and maintenance costs. A set of measures necessary for the active implementation of distributed generation based on the successful experience of European countries has been determined. Particular attention paid to aggregation as a new type of licensed economic activity in the electricity market for our country, which related to the combination of electrical installations designed for the production, storage and electrical energy. Defined the main terms, goals and functions of activities related to aggregation, as well as opportunities for new market participants by coordinating the integration of distributed generation facilities with energy sources and managing their participation in the electricity market. Based on the analysis of EU regulatory documents that regulate the activities of electricity market participants, a set of basic tasks and requirements for the implementation and functioning of aggregation on the electricity market of Ukraine on the way to European integration has been determined. One of the promising directions for the introduction of smart power grids is the development of distributed generation. Elaborated the definitions and interpretations of this concept. Considered the advantages of its implementation, which primarily include improving the quality of electricity supply, reducing technological losses of electricity, increasing energy efficiency, increasing the level of energy security, creating new jobs. At the same time, noted the shortcomings and obstacles on the way to the development of distributed generation, which may include their high initial investment cost and maintenance costs. A set of measures necessary for the active implementation of distributed generation based on the successful experience of European countries has been determined. Particular attention paid to aggregation as a new type of licensed economic activity in the electricity market for our country, which related to the combination of electrical installations designed for the production, storage and electrical energy. Defined the main terms, goals and functions of activities related to aggregation, as well as opportunities for new market participants by coordinating the integration of distributed generation facilities with energy sources and managing their participation in the electricity market. Based on the analysis of EU regulatory documents that regulate the activities of electricity market participants, a set of basic tasks and requirements for the implementation and functioning of aggregation on the electricity market of Ukraine on the way to European integration has been determined.


Шевчук О. А., Борданова Л. С., Наухацька Т. А. Оптимізація енергоефективності економіки за допомогою технологічної концепції Smart Grid. Економічний вісник НТУУ «КПІ». 2019. № 16. С. 400–414.

Про схвалення Концепції впровадження «розумних мереж» в Україні до 2035 року. Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України № 908-р від 14.10.2022.

Закон України «Про ринок електричної енергії».

Чому в Україні слід розвивати децентралізовану енергетику вже сьогодні? Брифінг Центру екологічних ініціатив «Екодія. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

Офіційний сайт Агенції з охорони довкілля США. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

Офіційний сайт Міністерства енергетики США. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

Stein Zach. Distributed Generation (DG). Carbon Collective Corporation. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

Закон України «Про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо відновлення та «зеленої» трансформації енергетичної системи України».

Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU (recast).

