



created non-financial assets, non-created non-financial assets, accounting, government institutions, documentation, receipt process.


The article examines the peculiarities of accounting for the receipt of both created and uncreated non-financial assets of state institutions. The main stages of the process of receipt of non-financial assets in state institutions are systematized and summarized. Since the process of receipt of non-financial assets in budget institutions includes various elements, namely, determining the need for non-financial assets in the object, planning and estimating costs, the procurement procedure and proper accounting and preservation of the received assets, therefore the timeliness, correctness and appropriate sequence of the relevant stages will ensure effective management of non-financial assets and public finances in general. The process of receipt of non-financial assets in state institutions must be documented and reflected in accounting subaccounts, as well as summarized in reporting. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations of the receipt process and methodological features of the construction of accounting for the receipt process of non-financial assets of state institutions in accordance with regulatory and legal documents and the activities of institutions. It is necessary to generalize and systematize the documentary support of the assets received free of charge by the state institution. The main stages of the process of receipt of non-financial assets in state institutions are systematized and summarized. Since the process of receipt of non-financial assets in budget institutions includes various elements, namely, determining the need for non-financial assets in the object, planning and estimating costs, the procurement procedure and proper accounting and preservation of the received assets, therefore the timeliness, correctness and appropriate sequence of the relevant stages will ensure effective management of non-financial assets and public finances in general. In addition, ways of solving the problem of documentary confirmation of free receipt of non-financial assets are proposed, the peculiarities of displaying information on the process of receipt of non-financial assets on accounting sub-accounts are summarized, and an algorithm for displaying expenses for improving uncreated non-financial assets on accounting sub-accounts is proposed.


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