


public administration, education, e-government, technologies, mobile devices, public services.


The public administration system, like the public environment, is permeated with new generation technical means. Priorities in the activities of public services should be responsible for influencing and leading actions in the spheres of public life and activity through governance. A proper place in this is given to the educational sector, because it is in it that broad strata of the population, characterized by initiative groups, social status, etc., are concentrated. As a result, there is a need to study the prerequisites of e-governance, that is, electronic governance, which means the performance of their own functions by state and local self-government bodies through the widespread use of new generation technical means. This testifies to the automation of the state administration system, which is spread through subordinate institutions to all spheres of life and the public environment activity, where every citizen is given extended access to any structure to receive proper services along with rules, requirements, and obligations. The process of introducing new generation technical means, such as computers with a wide-screen range, Chromebooks, interactive equipment, multimedia devices, smartphones and tablets, other types of information and communication technologies is carried out by state authorities and local self-government bodies during cooperation with educational institutions in the form of joint stakeholders. It is educational institutions, which, of course, characterize the educational sphere in the state, are a kind of platforms for such implementations, which are supporting and stimulating processes for sub-departmental institutions. The level of automation of government actions, which provide access to the public environment – as perfect conditions and joint development of the components of public administration – determines the broad operational capabilities of technical means to influence the public environment, where there are wide areas of the population and economic or commercial activities are conducted, requests are collected through the implementation feedback, services necessary for citizens are provided.


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