maritime complex, employees of the maritime complex, stress, mental health, future captains, moral and psychological climate.Abstract
The study investigates the influence of mental health on the professionalism of upcoming ship captains, with particular attention given to the development of a comprehensive knowledge and skills system that can foster a positive moral and psychological atmosphere on board. In order to guarantee efficient, accident-free and conflict-free work from the crew, it is essential for captains to consider stress factors, psychological fatigue and the unique psychological well-being of seafarers during management activities on board the ship. At the same time, an important factor that helps crew members endure the conditions of exposure to negative psychogenic factors and maintain high performance is a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. The main directions of optimizing the moral and psychological climate on the ship are: preservation and support of the professional potential of the ship’s crew members in order to increase the level of motivation of sailors; to create a favorable psychological atmosphere and reduce conflict situations, it is suggested to use a flexible leadership style, apply an individual approach to each crew member, use the potential of the team to achieve the set goals; the formation of positive relationships in the ship’s crew, which contribute to strengthening interaction and maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the ship’s crew. The article emphasizes that the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate on the ship is greatly facilitated by the analysis of individual and group thoughts, as well as those moods that create a collective psychological state and determine the conformity of the moral and psychological climate with the management style of the top manager of the ship.
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