


media, new media reality, digital transformations, social media, digital transformations, social security, digital state, new media, social networks.


The article reveals the prerequisites for the formation of a new media reality in the context of digital transformations, clarifies the essential features and characteristics of the new media reality in their interpenetration and interconnection, identifies existing trends and markers of its formation and factors of influence on it, outlines the trajectories of its development and intensification of its impact on the behavioral patterns of the State, society, and various economic actors, argues the need to take into account new risks and threats, and proves that the standards of social protection and security and social responsibility of the State, in the contour of the new media reality in the context of digital transformations cannot be based on established schemes and algorithms, and it is advisable to modernize them on a qualitatively new platform: justice, diversity of information, transparency, democratization, respect for the legal system, openness, transparency, respect for the individual, freedom to present diverse views, and support for universal human rights. It is noted that the interactivity of new media, i.e., clear interaction and feedback with society, plays an important role in resolving modern conflict situations and problems. At the same time, interactivity makes it possible to clearly identify the demands of society on the media, to determine their key functions for communications between the state, society, business, and economic entities, which are becoming active initiators of the formation of various communication chains. The new media reality also gives rise to new risks and threats from various kinds of manipulations, anonymity, emotional reactions, simulations, leveling the sense of reality, cyber risks, etc. The new media reality changes the level of transparency of social processes and removes taboos from publicly significant events, reveals secrets, and highlights many hidden topics (sources of wealth, divorce, sadism, bullying, corruption, criminal connections, social injustice, etc.). Since the formation of a new media reality in the context of digital transformation has a significant impact on the standards of social protection and security and social responsibility of the state and business, it is important to clarify the role of innovative media technologies in ensuring social security in the digital state, taking into account national specifics in further research.


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