


internal control, management decisions, budgetary institutions, State Internal Financial Control, operational risks, banking institutions


In this work, the main role of internal control in creating an effective management system is considered. The main functions of internal control at the level of budgetary and banking institutions are defined. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological, organizational aspects of internal control in budget and banking institutions, identify modern problems and find ways to solve them. The research used a systematic approach, a method of comparison – to determine the common and different in the system of internal control, methods of analysis and generalization. To reveal the meaning of the concept of "internal control", several interpretations of different scientists are given. The need for effective application of internal financial control at the enterprise was determined. Internal control, its role and tasks in budgetary and banking institutions are considered. The main components of DVFK have been determined. The peculiarities of the internal control system of the banking institution are revealed. Problems hindering the implementation and application of internal control have been identified. It is indicated that the main problem of the application of internal control is the lack of a clear methodological base and the imperfect definition of the term itself at the legislative level. The main areas of improvement of the organization and implementation of internal control are given. Common causes of internal control in budgetary and banking institutions are summarized and a unified approach to solving these problems is identified. The common and distinctive features of the principles of organization, mission, tasks and implementation of internal control in the budgetary and banking spheres are analyzed. The practical significance of the study consists in the outline of general and individual problems of internal control, directions for their solution, as well as in the comparison of internal control systems in budgetary and banking institutions.


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