


public power, public authority, assessment of the quality of public power, public administration, subject of public administration, controlled systemic evolution of the subject of public administration.


The work is devoted to the formation of the scientific basis for setting the problem of timely systemic compliance of public authorities with the conditions of transformation of the environment of their activities and the formation of the concept of solving certain problems on the basis of a systematic approach. The scientific foundations of the creation and functioning of public authorities as a system and their functioning from the point of view of the theory of bureaucratic organization of M. Weber are investigated. One of the main theoretical aspects of the efficiency and effectiveness of the functioning of systems is allocated – compliance of the system with internal transformations and external challenges. The necessity of systematic updating and modernization of public authorities as a system is confirmed and substantiated. The main typical problems of the activities of public authorities are characterized, emphasis is placed on their systematic and cyclical nature, correlation relationship with the adaptive capabilities of public administration and administration. It studies the existing in the practice of public administration and administration of the system for assessing the quality of activities of authorities and approaches to their updating and modernization. It has been concluded, on the basis of the analysis of the results of practical activity of public authorities, regarding the inconsistency of efficiency and effectiveness of the above-mentioned systems and approaches to the challenges facing the subjects of public administration and administration in modern conditions. An assumption is made regarding the possible solution of the typical problems of the activities of public administration and administration subjects due to the formalized system cyclic update. The scientific concept of controlled system modernization and renewal of public authorities and their activities is proposed. The main components of the concept are formed and the methodology of its formation is outlined. The target guidelines for the development of the concept and its adaptation to the practical activities of public authorities are determined. The directions of scientific research and further research on the rationale for determining the subject of controlled system evolution in the structure of a public authority are outlined, formation of methodological content and algorithm of controlled system evolution, justification of the most optimal cycle of controlled system evolution, development of a methodology for determining objects of complex benchmarketing for conducting controlled system evolution, justification of the mode of implementation of system evolution and features of managed system evolution for public administration and local self-government.


Половцев О.В. Системний підхід до прийняття рішень в державному управлінні: монографія / Половцев О.В., [монографія] GlobeEdit Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd. member of the OmniScriptum S.R.L Publishing groupe, 2021 р., 207 стор., ISBN 978-620-0-62602-8

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