


international tourism, tourist activity, tourism, tourist services market, world tourism market.


The article examines the peculiarities of the development trends of the world market of tourist services. The problems of development trends of the world market of tourist services are analyzed, which remains extremely relevant in the light of numerous changes and challenges that affect the tourism industry. It has been determined that the global tourism market is gradually recovering after heavy losses caused by the pandemic. It is noted that the trends of the world market of tourist services may change depending on the geographical location and specifics of a particular region. The tourism industry, which needs to take global challenges such as climate change and security crises into account when developing its strategies, is being explored. It is noted that considering these trends, the tourism industry can adapt to new realities and innovate to ensure a sustainable and attractive tourism experience in the future. It was determined that the expansion of the use of digital technologies is becoming a key element in improving the quality and accessibility of tourism services. The growing interest in sustainability and environmental responsibility is setting new standards and requirements for the industry’s offerings. Tourists show more individualism and look for unique and less mass forms of recreation. It is noted that tourism is becoming an important channel for intercultural exchange and mutual understanding. The tourism industry must consider global challenges such as climate change and security crises in developing its strategies. Given these trends, the tourism industry can adapt to new realities and innovate to ensure a sustainable and attractive tourism experience in the future. One of the strategic directions of the development of international tourism in modern conditions is the introduction of information technologies and the growth of innovativeness of the industry. The question of attracting investments to increase the level of innovation and improve the financing of tourism projects occupies a separate place in the system of factors for ensuring economic growth of each state. In 2024, travelers are expected to increasingly seek value for money and travel close to home in response to a challenging economic environment. A challenging economic environment, including high inflation and surging oil prices, as well as fears of a global recession, continue to be a major factor hindering the recovery of tourism.


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