


tourism activity, innovative approach, foresight, analysis and forecasting, tourism market, achievement strategy.


The article is devoted to a problem that is relevant today – the future development of tourism. The author substantiates the idea that the future of tourism requires the use of new innovative approaches. One of these innovative approaches is the use of foresight methodology. It is shown that forecasting the development of tourism activity requires the use of new innovative mechanisms. Accordingly, an innovative approach will be to apply the foresight methodology, which will allow us to determine priorities for the development of tourism activities, taking into account market changes. It is noted that the purpose of foresight is the probable development of the future of tourism activities, determining strategies for achieving the desired image. That is, foresight is necessary to create alternative destinations, manage the choice of technologies, strategically develop tourism activities, intensify staff training, motivate tourism systems to follow global trends, etc. The methodology of tourism foresight is active in relation to future events. This means that in order to forecast tourism activity, it is advisable to assess the likely risks of certain events, project the current state, strengthen positive trends, increase the likelihood of desired events, prevent the strengthening of negative trends, etc. It is concluded that the foresight methodology in tourism activities will ensure its competitiveness in both the local and global tourism markets. In addition, the use of foresight is gaining importance for the future prospects of tourism development and can influence the improvement of the state policy of tourism development in general.


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