


gastronomic tourism of Transcarpathia, public-private partnership, public-private partnership in gastronomic tourism of Transcarpathia.


This article is devoted to the use of public-private partnership in the context of the systemic development of gastronomic tourism in Transcarpathia, as one of the most promising and important industries, which is a way of identifying the nation, contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage and the achievement of sustainable development goals, provides the possibility of economic growth in rural areas, job creation, responsible consumption and production, social stability and well-being of the community, etc. At the same time, there are no studies that analyze the experience of PPPs in the regional market of gastronomic tourism. The purpose of the research: to consider the possibilities of the development of РРР in the organization of gastronomic tourism in Transcarpathia at the current stage. Method. System-structural and dialectical approaches to the consideration of the problems are applied using the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, and modeling. The results. The subjects of the gastronomic tourism market have been identified; the level of stakeholders interaction in the gastronomic tourism market of Transcarpathia is characterized, it was determined what obstacles prevent them from building effective cooperation at this stage. Based on the analysis of foreign experience, the steps that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of РРР in the management of this sector are determined. Recommendations on the organization of PPPs at the regional and local levels in the future have been provided. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the level of interaction between subjects of gastronomic tourism in Transcarpathia was analyzed and the state of РРР in this sector of tourism was characterized. Practical significance. The implementation of the specified steps regarding the organization of РРР in gastronomic tourism at the level of the territory (territorial communities) provides an opportunity to unite the stakeholders of this market, ensure the preservation of cultural heritage, achieve the goals of sustainable development, provides the possibility of economic growth in rural areas, etc. 


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