labor safety, extreme labor conditions, labor protection under martial law, labor safety under martial law, emergency situations.Abstract
The article examines the problems of labor protection during wartime, which are an extremely important aspect of ensuring the safety and health of workers during wartime at workplaces. This study provides a general overview of the problem and consideration of various aspects of labor protection in the conditions of a military conflict. The problems associated with the organization of safe work in wartime are analyzed, including ensuring fire safety, protection against explosions, the use of protective equipment, the implementation of safe procedures and the observance of labor protection rules and regulations. The problems of psychological health of employees are also considered, including support of emotional state and understanding of military psychological and stress factors. Actual threats related to armed conflicts are discussed, effective strategies are offered to ensure the safety of workers and minimize the risks of emergency situations. These threats to some extent affect national security and affect the socio-economic situation of the country. The role of employers and state institutions in creating primary and comprehensive plans for the protection of people’s lives and health and the protection of infrastructure is shown. The author draws attention to the constant improvement of the professional level of workers during hostilities. The main advantages of forecasting and planning measures aimed at ensuring labor safety in war conditions are highlighted. The presented study proves the expediency of using measures of a preventive nature against risks and the organization of working conditions taking into account the peculiarities of the military conflict. Analyzing the development and experience of labor protection management in times of military conflict, this article helps to reveal important problems and outline possible ways of further research.
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