


food security, UN Global Sustainable Development Goals, Global Food Security Index, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, food basket.


The study is devoted to the issue of food security, which is currently relevant. The issue of food security as a global problem is enshrined in the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, which determines the importance of this problem for each country. The object of the study is the problem of food security as a component of the national security of each state. The subject of the study is certain aspects of the problem of food security, namely, its regulation within the UN, its analysis and evaluation, as well as the problem of food security in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of food security. First, the peculiarities of regulating food security in accordance with the UN Global Goals were analyzed, and their impact on food security was determined. It was found that the most pressing problem of food security is hunger, which is a global problem and whose manifestations are increasing every year. In addition, the main UN Global Goals by 2030 were identified and the place of food security in these goals was established. The main actions taken by the UN to ensure food security were identified. An important part was the assessment and analysis of food security indices. An important index is the Global Food Security Index, which is determined by the Food and Agriculture Organization. The main components of the index, the leading countries by this indicator and the countries with the lowest index were identified. In addition, the main reasons for the negative state of food security in the world were identified. The study also examined the issues of legislative regulation of food security in Ukraine and the state of the Ukrainian consumer basket. The analysis made it possible to identify the existing problems of legislative regulation, the composition of the consumer basket and the current problems that characterize its state at the current level. In addition, the main problems that cause a negative level of food security in Ukraine were identified. The results obtained demonstrate the need to introduce effective measures to improve food security at the global level and in Ukraine.


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