


marketing research, CRM, SMM, Artificial Intelligence, Digital marketing


The work examines scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of mechanisms for ensuring sustainable development, which is due to the exhaustion of the majority. Marketing research is directly related to the company's activities, so each company determines the goals of marketing research separately. In connection with the set goals, the following tasks are solved: determination of the type of necessary information; carrying out its collection; analysis of results; issuance of recommendations on the use of the obtained results. Marketing research is a universal tool for collecting and processing the necessary information, serves as a starting point for forecasting, planning and management of economic objects and economic processes, contributes to the implementation of the market marketing concept in the management of business activities. Of course, technology, like science, has a tendency to develop in the modern world, and, quite naturally, this cannot but affect all spheres of human activity. The presented scientific article determines the influence of innovative technologies on marketing. After all, marketing is a field of activity that instantly reacts to any changes taking place in the world in order to use them to obtain any advantages. An analysis of the impact of information technologies on modern marketing is also considered. The main growth trends and development shortcomings are revealed. The main trends of modern marketing are analyzed, among which the leading positions belong to digital marketing. The Internet connection of a large number of users and the spread of social networks have a great influence on the methods of conducting marketing research. A new direction in marketing research has appeared, based on the processing and analysis of large volumes of data, called Big Data. Big data technologies are used in almost all digital marketing tools. Features of the development of intelligent information systems are highlighted. The main areas of application of artificial intelligence in marketing have been identified. The most promising direction of application of artificial intelligence and development prospects of marketers who work with tools using artificial intelligence are determined.


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