


industrial robot, assembly, robotic system, dimensional relationships, dimensional circuit, method of achieving accuracy


The use of assembly industrial robots in production – is an irreplaceable means of increasing the productivity and quality of modern assembly production. For many years now, robotic assembly has been in the top three most common robotic technological operations. The article is devoted to solving the problems of dimensional analysis of robotic assembly systems, because currently dimensional analysis is a very effective means of ensuring both qualitative and quantitative analyzes of robotic assembly systems and assembly technological processes. The purpose of this article is to solve the problem of determining and calculating dimensional relationships during robotic assembly. The article examines the dimensional relationships that arise during robotic assembly using the example of the assembly of a cylindrical joint. For the assembling robotic system, the relationships between the dimensional links were determined and the corresponding dimensional chain was obtained, which characterizes the relationship between the gripper of the assembling industrial robot and the deviation from the collinearity of the assembled parts. With the automatic operation of the robotic assembly system, it is necessary to ensure that the industrial assembly robot installs each shaft in the sleeve without adjustment and sub-adjustment, therefore, the alignment of the shaft and sleeve must be ensured by the method of complete interchangeability. With complete interchangeability, the tolerance value of the closing link must be equal to the sum of the tolerance fields of the component links. Dimensional analysis of robotic assembly was carried out quite simply – only for the case of displacement of the axis of the shaft from the axis of the bushing, since in practice it is also possible to misalign the axes of the parts. The given analysis of dimensional relationships during robotic assembly allows you to agree on the dimensions of the assembly system elements, justify the requirements for the accuracy of the used assembly robot, parts and devices.


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