


marketing, marketing activity, agricultural enterprises, farms, market, market environment


The paper examines the theoretical foundations of innovation marketing. The justification of the theoretical and methodological principles and the development of practical recommendations for the formation of the marketing strategy of farms have also been made. This made it possible to determine the main directions of the development of farms in relation to the improvement of their marketing activities, aimed at increasing the efficiency of functioning. Based on the generalization of scientific research materials, the following scientific and practical results of the work are proposed. The factors of the marketing environment are analyzed. A methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of marketing activity of agricultural enterprises and an organizational structure of a complex of planning models for effective production development have been developed, which quantitatively and qualitatively reflects all stages, processes and technology of marketing innovation activities, ensuring the objectivity, reliability and timeliness of the assessment. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the methodology of cognition, which is based on a systematic approach, the principle of complexity and consistency in the cognition of economic phenomena and processes. Using the abstract-logical method, theoretical generalizations were made and conclusions and proposals were formed. In the analytical part of the work, with the help of sociological survey methods and the monographic method, an examination of the activities of farms and the marketing complex used by them was carried out. When determining the degree of influence on the economic efficiency of farms, various factors, in particular, specialization and diversification, the volume of production of gross products, the cost of the main production assets, marketable products.


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