


sea tourism, factors, Pax/nigth, passenger capacity, comfort, service


Cruises are one of the fastest growing sectors of the travel industry. The rapid growth in demand was ultimately created by demand from North America, more recently Europe, and eventually the rest of the world, China and Australia in particular. One of the main reasons for the rapid development and growing popularity of cruises is that cruise companies have successfully adapted to new travel trends, delivering cruise ships with amenities and experiences tailored to the needs of travelers from all market segments. The global cruise market is expected to generate revenue of USD 30.11 billion by 2024. Revenue will grow at a CAGR of 5.05% annually (CAGR 2024–2028), leading to a projected market size of USD 36.67 billion by 2028. Furthermore, by 2028, the number of cruisers in this market is projected to grow to 33, 43 million people The authors set a goal to identify factors influencing the growth of the cruise market. Effective management and operations are key to the growth of the cruise ship market. Cruise lines are looking to improve their services. The cruise industry is expanding with convenience, luxury and entertainment. Cruise lines prioritize safety and health protocols to ensure a positive experience for consumers. Technological progress is driving the growth and innovation of the cruise market. The presented analysis is used to determine which factors influence the operational and marketing strategies of passenger volume formation, to clearly define the passenger tourist cluster, which leads to the determination of the company's pricing policy. The article is aimed at analyzing factors and identifying their impact on cruise demand in leading world markets. Marketing strategies help retain the core audience, contributing to the expansion of the cruise ship industry. Cruise market research includes analysis of key trends that depend on consumer behavior – adapting products to the requirements of new source markets and different market segments, increasing cruise capacity in new regions, and developing national cruise lines brands.


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