fruit and berry products, export, quality, freezing, technological equipment, standardsAbstract
The article deals with the issue of improving the quality indicators of the freezing fruits and berries process, due to the use of modern and progressive methods and means of freezing. Fruit and berry production in Ukraine and other countries is analyzed, the geographical directions of the export of frozen fruits and berries, as well as the structure of the export of frozen fruits and berries from Ukraine are shown. The problems and prospects of the berry industry development of Ukraine are indicated. The freezing of fruits and berries is mentioned as a highly profitable business, which involves the technology of long-term storage of fruits and the implementation of storage facilities on store counters. The quality characteristics of various freezing methods are determined, and based on: direct contact of the food product with the refrigerant; using a coolant that is cooled by a refrigerant in special heat exchangers; contact of the product with the refrigerant through a metal surface; combined. The most common methods of freezing food products based on the technologies of using air, liquid, and refrigerants are characterized. The peculiarities of "shock" freezing as an effective method of preparing berries, fruits and vegetables for long-term storage without losing their organoleptic characteristics, taste qualities and nutritional value have been studied. The whole process consists of three main stages: preparation of raw materials (cooling); freezing and post-freezing. An analysis of the freezing equipment according to the main indicators: technological, economic and ecological was carried out. The most common and effective types of freezing units are spiral freezers; tunnel-type fluidizing devices; shock freezing chambers and tile freezing units. The payback of the equipment depends entirely on the volume of production, the season and the influence of competitors from other countries on the pricing of the final product. One of the environmental requirements for all types of shock freezing equipment has been identified – the use of environmentally friendly CO₂ refrigerants. These systems provide significant energy savings, in some cases achieving a 25–40% reduction in energy consumption.
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