


acrylic polymers, structure, properties, gelatin, collagen, leather, liquid finishing


To date, the activity of domestic enterprises in the industry largely depends on the arrival of imported chemical materials for leather processing. Based on the insufficiently complete illumination of their structure and properties in the prospectuses and advertising products of manufacturing companies, a more detailed study of these materials is an important aspect in understanding technological processes and predicting the effectiveness of their implementation. Taking into account the special mission of liquid finishing in the post-tanning formation of the structure and properties of the dermis, on the basis of the analysis of the latest practical achievements and theoretical approaches in leather production, the purpose of this work is formulated – the research of the structure and properties of modern commercial materials for liquid finishing in the form of acrylic polymers Syntan RS 540 and Bioplen TM, intended for skin retanning and filling. The main physico-chemical properties of the mentioned products, their compatibility with the main chemical materials for skin treatment have been established experimentally. The compatibility of polymers with collagen of the dermis is shown on the example of gelatin (as a collagen model and derivative) during the determination of the melting point, as well as by processing the Wet Blue leather semi-finished product obtained from the cattle hide according to the current method. It has been proven that in comparison with Bioplen TM, the use of Syntan RS 540 polymer in retanning and filling improves the indicators of strength, elongation and yield of the Crust in thickness. According to the results of IR spectroscopic research, the polyfunctional nature of polymer compounds was established. The obtained results will be used in the creation of technology for the production of leathers of a modern range, as they will contribute to the determination of the laws of liquid finishing processes, the improvement of technological regulations, and, finally, more rational use of raw material resources.


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