MANET, FANET, communication network, management process, knowledge base, neural network, machine learning, metrics, forecasting, optimizationAbstract
This paper examines in detail the features of ensuring the management principles of modern special purpose mobile communication networks of the MANET-FANET class. A number of scientific works revealing the essence of the functioning of intelligent control systems were analyzed. It was emphasized that the main interest in the research of the ground network management process is caused by a number of contradictions and problems of the integration of aerial communication networks and resource limitations during the operation of ground mobile communication networks in conditions of a priori uncertainty – dynamic topology, i.e. in conditions when the physical carriers of communication equipment move with a variable speed due to changes in terrain and the presence of obstacles, various technical characteristics of mobile users, models of noise characteristics and various types of interference. The authors emphasize that the existing scientific and methodological apparatus does not allow describing the process of interlevel interaction of ground and air components of modern mobile communication networks for real-time management. The scientific novelty of the proposed model is due to the use of mathematical ratios of the machine learning algorithm, which takes into account the physical properties of the functioning environment of communication nodes thanks to the neural networks of each of the target functions, which are the basis for obtaining a knowledge base starting from the planning stage. The article emphasizes that obtaining a database of statistical data at the planning stage using a set of adequate models of functioning of the ground-air communication network (GAC) will allow revealing patterns of behavioral models of nodal elements to achieve defined user or network target functions. That will ensure a gain in the search for the optimal GAC management solution.
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