




This work provides a comprehensive overview of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The successful development of CPS heavily relies on implementing a comprehensive SDLC model that integrates various established methodologies and techniques. This model includes Model in the Loop (MIL), Software in the Loop (SIL), Processor in the Loop (PIL), and Hardware in the Loop (HIL), complemented by N-version Programming and formal verification and validation, including compile-time verification. By incorporating these elements, developers gain a structured framework to optimize workflows, ensure process consistency, and manage risks associated with system complexity. Including compile-time verification enables the early detection and resolution of potential issues, further enhancing CPS solution reliability and robustness. Additionally, N-version programming allows developers to improve software quality and reliability while efficiently managing resources. Moreover, integrating Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) into CPS architectures presents a scalable and adaptable solution to address performance challenges encountered by embedded processors. FPGAs offer parallel processing capabilities and hardware acceleration features, enabling CPS developers to enhance system performance, responsiveness, and reliability. This capability proves invaluable in meeting the stringent requirements of critical applications across diverse domains, including aerospace, defense, healthcare, and industrial automation. Adopting a comprehensive SDLC model facilitates the delivery of CPS solutions that meet stringent quality standards, tackle evolving technological challenges, and fulfill diverse stakeholder requirements. By catalyzing innovation and progress, this approach empowers CPS developers to confidently navigate technological complexities and deliver solutions that have a meaningful impact on society and the world. Through continuous refinement and advancement, CPS technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, driving progress and shaping the future of interconnected systems and environments.


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