verification, computational domain domains, incorrect inverse problems, modeling of physical processes, power engineeringAbstract
The relevance of the topic of the work is associated with increasing the accuracy of computational models in power engineering, in particular during the study of thermal processes in the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines. When modernizing structures, problematic issues arise related to the comparison of the results of numerical modeling and experimental tests in existing and improved projects, which can be considered as an incorrectly set task. The purpose of the work is to study, develop and verify an algorithm for the exchange of calculated and experimental data on temperature parameters in the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines. The methodology of the study is based on a systematic approach to the design of the combustion chamber as a complex technical system, methods for solving incorrectly set tasks, methods and models for visualizing the distribution of temperature fields in gas turbine combustion chambers. For the calculations, models of solid domains made of heat-resistant alloy and gaseous multicomponent medium were used. The experimental tests consisted of measuring the temperature values of the gas and the solid. The algorithm for the exchange of calculated and experimental data of temperature parameters was tested on the example of the analysis of the thermal state of the flame tube. The results are presented in the form of constructed radial and circumferential diagrams. Verification of the algorithm will consist in comparing temperature fields with reference data. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the new methodological basis for the study of physical processes in the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines, which is implemented on the example of the algorithm of data exchange between solid-state and gas media; The practical value is associated with the implementation of research results in the production activities of a machine-building enterprise. The results obtained in the work are aimed at solving an important scientific and applied problem of working with multidimensional data in solving complex engineering problems. Prospects for further research of the authors will be to solve new types of problems for power engineering using computer modeling of physical processes.
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