system, stepper motor, control, movement, robotic complex, microcontrollerAbstract
Master's training in automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics requires the formation of future specialists' basic competencies in the ability to automate complex technological objects and complexes, to create cyber-physical systems based on intelligent control methods and digital technologies using robotic and intelligent mechatronic devices. Material, informational and methodical provision of such training is currently becoming an urgent task of Ukrainian technical universities, which are actively deploying new laboratory robotic complexes on their base. One of the most common components of these complexes are stepper motors, which are successfully used in a variety of industrial and special equipment for high-precision movement of objects to a given distance. An understandable condition for the maximally complete implementation of the advantages of a stepper motor as an executive mechanism of a robotic system is a correct approach to the design of control systems for such mechanisms. The task of the work was to develop a system of remote control of the stepper motor of the educational transport line of the Department of Automation of Production Processes of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology. The stepper motor, in turn, ensures the movement of the carriage to the given position. The aim of the work was to develop a budget and effective stepper motor control system that would allow dynamically changing system parameters using a personal computer (PC) by sending appropriate commands to the system via the COM port, or using a tablet by sending appropriate commands to the system via Bluetooth. Such a system can be used both in the educational process to practice standard stepper motor control techniques and microcontroller programming skills, and in industrial systems that require high-precision mechanism position control.
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Офіційна документація проекту Arduino [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: