risks, marketing risks, risk-oriented strategy, marketing risk management, risk insurance, risk mapAbstract
In the work, a comprehensive scientific and theoretical study of the problem of finding ways to reduce marketing risks of entrepreneurial activity is carried out. Marketing activity, its place and significance for an agricultural enterprise develops in parallel with the formation of the domestic market environment; this situation is an additional source of risks and uncertainty. It should be noted that the marketing activity of an agricultural enterprise is the guarantee of its long-term existence in market conditions, and therefore the marketing risks of the enterprise are of high importance. Due to the characteristic high level of risks for agricultural enterprises, in order to maintain conditions of stability and development, the state actively influences the agro-industrial complex, therefore the use of classic marketing tools in the activities of agricultural enterprises is complicated, and the strategy of minimizing marketing risks for such an enterprise requires specific management tools. The relevance of the topic and the inadequacy of the study of its individual aspects in the conditions of market restructuring determined the choice of the research topic, its content, goal and task. The work substantiates the directions of reducing marketing risks of enterprises, in particular, the peculiarities of marketing risk management at an agricultural enterprise as a means of improving marketing policy are substantiated, a model of risk-oriented marketing strategy is developed. Attention is focused on the need to develop a risk map as an element of the enterprise's risk management program. The efficiency of agricultural production and the overall competitiveness of products both on the national and international markets also depend on the quality of the analysis, the level of accepted risk and the methods of its hedging, which requires the use of scientifically based risk management methods. At the same time, the development of diversification of markets raised to a new level the requirements regarding the classification and assessment of risks, which has a direct impact on the results of the agricultural sector . Marketing risks refer to dangers or uncertainties that may arise in the process of implementing marketing strategies and actions. These risks can affect the success of marketing campaigns, sales of products or services, and generally the company's position on the market. Management of marketing risks involves careful planning, analysis and control of measures, which allows to reduce the impact of negative factors and use opportunities to improve the market position of the enterprise. Marketing risks of the enterprise can be classified according to various criteria, depending on their source, nature and impact on marketing activities.
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